A well-known maternity brand started designing leggings and active wear / leisure wear for pregnant women. They approached us for help with their paid and social advertising strategy. When first reviewed their account they were already spending over six figures a month across Facebook, Google, and Snapchat.
Typically to grow, a brand wants to scale their ad spend - since more ad spend usually means incremental revenue. And most agencies would recommend that right out of the gate because increased ad spend typically also means a higher management fee (more revenue) for themselves.
However, we noticed there was a lot of inefficiency happening within the account, so we did something that sounded counterintuitive to the client at first, and pulled back on spend. Over the first 60 days we reduced ad spend by 23%, reduced the number and complexity of their campaigns, and further optimized the campaigns that were performing the best. We immediately saw a 6% lift in conversions, and increased their ROAS by 203%.

Our initial client audit has over 80 different checkpoints, and we have our sales team debrief our fulfillment so that they're aware of the goals, needs and expectations of the client. Regardless of what the client (or a previous agency) has been doing before, these detailed audits give us the information we need to confidently tell the client what they can expect from us and what we think we can help them achieve within a relative timeframe.
We focus first on creating as much efficiency as possible with their existing campaigns, while reducing complexity and eliminating wasted spend. We trim the fat before we look for opportunities to scale. Once we're confident we are building on a strong core foundation of campaigns that are working well, we can increase spend on those campaigns gradually (while constantly testing and measuring the results), while we start to brainstorm new potential campaigns to add to the mix (or replace the ones that are aging or producing diminishing returns).

Too many active campaigns can create unmanageable complexity and wasted ad spend - but many agencies just keep adding campaigns and throwing more $$ at ad spend as brands grow, and the client doesn't realize their margins are slowly dropping while the agency's management fees are increasing. We do our best to avoid unnecessary or less-effective spend even if it means our fees will drop for a period of time.
A good paid ads management strategy includes constant clean-up, revisions, and elimination of waste and inefficiency.

We are focused on the long term partnership and continued success of our clients. We always put our clients' long-term success ahead of our immediate revenue because the longer we can help them win the longer they will stay with us and our revenues will take care of themselves. Great campaign performance builds trust and trust leads to loyal clients and great LTV for us. It's expensive to go out and find new clients. It's expensive to onboard clients. We want to do as little of that as we can and really focus on our clients having the best customer experience possible.
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My partners have collectively worked with hundreds of the fastest-growing consumer brands and helped them grow revenues profitably and aggressively - we can help you too!

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